Saturday, May 26, 2012

Memorial Day

I love when summer is finally here, I get three special days off, Memorial Day, Fourth of July and Labor Day.
I close up my store and take a breather. Last year I took off and went down to Asheville, NC, I painted
my den,(Ben. Moore Roasted Sesame Seed) and went over to Goshen to celebrate birthdays. This weekend
I will garden, cook and get started on painting my dining room. We will see what gets done. I think a nap
thrown in there sounds like a deal breaker. My choice of pictures, Elfie and I by the pool after my store
closed at 5, the begining of a two day weekend! Sorry for the gapping spaces of the paragraph, too tired to
try to edit.

Thursday, May 24, 2012

Pillows, Pillows and More Pillows

You can never have enough pillows. I love pillows in every shape and size. A decorative pillow can say

a lot about you and can really make a room. Like an accessory for a well dressed piece of furniture.

Monday, May 21, 2012

My Beautiful Gardens

It has taken me three years to really see my gardens come to life. I am going to show off my
beautiful babies to you, some pictures are better than others. I really need to invest in a better

camera. Baby names..... Peony, Allium, Foxglove, Roses ,Snow on the Mountain, Coreopsis,
Columbine, and Gaillardia to name a few.

Friday, May 18, 2012

Victorian Parlor Chairs

Victorian parlor chairs in my store in many shapes and sizes. The last photo of the round back chair just came in on

consignment. I am investigating the story behind it, would love some help with it's history.

Monday, May 14, 2012

My Favorite Things

My favorite things around the house......

Saturday, May 12, 2012

Fresh New Look For My Store

Thursday I decided to rearrange my store.......two days later I have a fresh new look!