Friday, June 28, 2019

Summer Finds

I buy a lot of my jewelry online on Ebay.   I recently came across a beautiful vintage  Marotto
Italian designer heavy gold bracelet.

I love the older styles of jewelry, triple links, beautiful details and onyx and sapphire
cabochon stones, As I enjoy wearing this, it will also be listed on my Ebay and Etsy
sights, just like the other pieces that I have bought. 
And on another note, I love a good summer straw bag.
The smaller straw bag is by C & C California and I bought it at TJ Maxx.
It is hand woven with the leather and brass details and has a cute blue and white draw
string lining. The larger bag came from Target and I bought it last year.
This bag has a heavy woven base with the colorful pom-poms and handle. Nothing
says summer like a straw bag and yes, a Italian gold bracelet.

Sunday, June 9, 2019

Wine on the Porch with Mom

I invited my mom over for wine and cheese on the porch Friday
evening before we went around the corner to Newtown Bakery for
I picked flowers from my garden, lit candles, put together a cheese plate of Wasa crackers,
herb goat cheese and a Beringer Chenin Blanc wine.
More candles for the table outside the porch door.
This is my new bench for the porch from Target from their Threshold line, it looks
great with my existing chairs I bought when i moved in. It adds a little more seating
for Mandy and I.
A little lavender from my garden for the table and another candle and a great evening
with a wonderful breeze. We had so much fun on the porch, we almost forgot about dinner.