Thursday, September 27, 2012

Fall and Men....

So glad that Fall is finally here. My all time favorite time of year. I even gave it a special place on
my Pinterst page.
  Tommorrow I leave for a well deserved trip to Savanah Georgia with my Mom and my sister
Beth. We are celebrating my big birthday milestone, 50. I know we will have fun. While I am down
there I will have to make a really big descision, my boyfriend of four years has been seeing someone
else from another city for the past two years. I will have a little time away to figure out what I am
going to do, he lives with me. If you ever want to catch someone cheating on you, check out thier
Facebook page!
 Will be back with pictures from my trip.....

Saturday, September 22, 2012

Before and After


Big wing chair gets a face lift. Doesn't she look gorgeous in her new fabric? Laura Ashley's
Nevis for Kravet.

.And the $100.00 chaise I found at the Antique Mall one HOT Sunday, sorry no before picture, my
upholsterer picked it up for me. The fabric is a throw back to William Morris by Premier Prints and it
is called Mingei Bristol.$7.95 a yard at Buy Fabrics .com!

Saturday, September 15, 2012

What's New

Here is a peek at what's new in my store. And I am trying out me new camera!

Monday, September 10, 2012

BIG Design Job

My big design job for my neighbor is finally coming together. The first picture is of the flat
balloon shade in Silk Loom's stripe silk. The electrician cut the lights of after the first picture

was taken, so the rest of the pictures will be dark. I will post better ones later, I promise!
Beautiful silk plaid by Silk Loom in the dining room with white sheers behind them.

Again, beautiful Silk Loom on skirted table with Lina's big ball fringe and 36 rolls
of Schumacher's Tree of Life wallpaper in the front hall. We have repainted ever room,
added fresh white trim and the owner put in hard wood floors were there was carpet.
More pictures to come as we get further along.

Friday, September 7, 2012

Sunday Finds

A couple of Sundays ago I drove over to Waynesboro, the next town over, to my favorite
haunt. Second Time Around, a fabulous junk shop that I have made several purchases
from. This time I found a great Chinese table and a pretty little side chair. Total ticket price

$50.00.  I reupholstered the chair and stained the table with a shiny black wood stain.

Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Dining Room Chair Redo

I had four dining room chairs brought into my store back
in the winter, they needed alot of work done to them. The
fabric on the seats were shot, the backs were wobbly and
broken. By the miracle of God, a new to Staunton furniture
refinisher walks into my store to introduce himself and leave
his card with me and by the way do I have any work for him?
 Why yes sir I do, I replied.

1st cost = $375.00 to refinish
2nd cost= $75.00 for fabric (I chose a very conservative fabric because Staunton is

very conservative and everyone here seams to only use traditional oriental rugs.)
3rd cost = $350.00 to upholster (he quoted my $260.00, didn't catch this until the
check was written and HE was long gone. I think I am his own personal banking
Total price tag for all four chairs =$1,600.00

Monday, September 3, 2012

Photo Shoot In My Store


In July I did a photo shoot in my store for my new website,www.margaretmcelroyinteriordesign,
these are my favorite pics. The photographer is the very talented Sera Petras.

Saturday, September 1, 2012

Ready For Fall

My new intern, Becca, and I just finished decorating the store for the
up and coming seasons. Fall and Halloween are in the windows and
Fall and Christmas are slowly making their way into the store.

I can't wait for cooler weather. This is my favorite time of year.