In my new house, the rental, I fell in love with the high ceilings
and the big windows. One day while reading my emails, I got
one from Jo-Ann Fabrics with a 1/2 off fabric deal and a coupon.
I came across a fabric that looked like something I had seen before,
the colors and the large repeat caught my attention and the fabric was only
$11.99!!!!!!! That is with the sale and the coupon. The sad thing is they
only had 8 yards on line. I figured I would need at least 16 yards.
After calling the 800# and the customer service person telling me that I
would have to find my fabric at a Jo-Ann's in my area, the local stores
will ship from store to store, and on line you can see who has the fabric
and how much.
I picked up the next 8 yards in Charottesville at Jo-Ann's, not at the $11.99 price,
but at $17.99 per yard. oh well, too good to be true!
Once I had the fabric in the store and started cutting the fabric, pinning it and started
sewing, it has been a couple of years since I have made my own drapes. I realized
that the pattern is a copy of a Lee Jofa's/ G.P. Baker that I carry in my store and runs
up to $300 a yard. I like my color way better for me, but it does come in other colors.
The copy is by Richloom and is called Whipperwhil.
I hung the drapes/panels finally today. It took getting out the BIG ladder, did I tell
you that I am afraid of heights, climbing up the ladder to attach three brackets with
the drill gun, did I mention that I have 0 upper arm strength? I had to take several
breaks, Elfie hid in the other room but I did it. They are not perfect, but they are up.
Several customers from the store question my techniques, oh well!
The teal/blueish shades came with the house, I am raising them as high as I can but
I don't feel right about removing them. I had very little pattern play in the room until
now. Now I have a lot and this is way out of my comfort zone.
Other walls in the room, reflections of the fabric in the mirror and a close up of
the mantel, even my foo dogs look happy. And by the way, I know I said this house
is very green, this room is a pretty pale shade of yellow, pale in the day and warm
at night.