Friday, March 21, 2014

What Came in this Week

I have had a  on full week this week!
Snow on Monday, I did sell something
on Ebay. Dog grooming on Tuesday.
A doctors appointment on Wednesday,
a box of Easter stuff came in, I sold a
lamp shade on Etsy that had to go to
the post office. Here is some of the Easter

 I also had a few items come in from a friends father's house and an old neighbor brought
in some fun items. So the store is really full and needs an overhaul.

Thank God it is Friday!

Monday, March 10, 2014

First Signs of Spring

Friday, when I was walking around in my yard,
enjoying the warm afternoon, I spotted a few
blooms. This is the first sign of Spring. I don't know
about you, but I am ready for it!

Snow Drops and the Lenten Rose. Enjoy your week.

Friday, March 7, 2014

Spring Windows

Despite the recent snow fall again!!##$$%%&&
I am starting to change the windows over t

And I put out a Spring display of Indian Tree china that came in recently.

Will post more pictures as I get a little further.