Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Sunday Plantings

Sunday I spent most of the day in the backyard filing my pots with planting
that I bought at Lowes and Walmart. Both stores, which are next to each
other, were insanely  busy, but I got it done. I had to wait until the weather
man or woman assured me that we are done with 30 degree temperatures
at night. I snapped a few pics of my mature plantings and my pots...........

                                    Love my Snowball Viburnum..............

I mixed a few annuals with strawberries and filled my garden cart, my Christmas present
from my son Edmund, with lots of veggies plants!

 I also slipped in a cute slimming bathing suit I found at Walmart.........: )

Saturday, May 25, 2013

New Featured Artist, Jennet Inglis

This weekend, I have a new artist coming in to my store.
Jennet Inglis, a local artist to the Shenandoah Valley, has
exhibited nationally and internationally for over two decades.

Her paintings, drawings and sculptures are found in some of the finest private
collections in Europe, Asia, and the United States. The painting above is called
"At The Races, I" and measures 3' x 4'. Also coming in are her florals and animal
paintings, these can be seen on her Facebook page, Inglis Art.

Saturday, May 18, 2013

What Came In This Week

What a week, new things coming in, sold things going out and
all happening on Wednesday and Thursday. Also meetings going
on in the store, thunderstorms in the middle of furniture being delivered.
By Friday, I was exhausted and I had over 300 unread e-mails! So, what
came in...........

The cornices I had made for my client in Harrisonburg!
A china cabinet full of crystal and fine china....

Three hutches and two tables with chairs............

New tiered planter and butterfly bench

Flo blue china, a tureen and Mr. Fox and friends having dinner.

Thursday, May 16, 2013

Beautiful Gardens Of the Owner Of Virginia Metal Crafters

Tuesday, my mom asked me to go with her to a viewing of the beautiful gardens in Waynesboro
Virginia at the home of the original owner of the factory of The Virginia Metal Crafters. The house
the gardens sit on almost a four acre lot and is now owned by the grandson. The now owner, Mr Clemmer
and his wife have brought the gardens back to their original glory.

                                     Mom and me entering the gardens..........
                                    Ten feet tall Rhododendron over 60 years old............

           Many varieties of Peonies......
                                       Beautiful  large ferns.....
                                    A glimpse of the house from the gardens............
                                     Pretty white Rhododendron.........
More pictures of the house, a pretty porch made out of stone and shaped boxwood 

                                           Water Iris.............
                                               Koi pond...........
                                       Pretty colored Iris.........
Jack in the Pulpit and Columbine.....................

                                 More beautiful varieties of flowers and greenery.......

                              I could have taken pictures all day. The gardens are open to the public!