Monday, May 19, 2014

Staunton Jams

Saturday May 17th, downtown Staunton hosts the
Staunton Jams, a series of bands that play in the street
in front of Baja Bean Restaurant. This concert series starts
at noon and goes on till late into the night. After I closed up
the store, I went have to feed Elfie, get him settled in and have
a glass of wine and a little snack before I headed down to hear
the Findells play at 8. I have hit a button that is changing my
font, sorry for that, have no idea what I have done. Anyway,
here are a few pictures of my house and yard that I took on my 
way downtown.

I had to sneak in a few pictures of the Iris and the Peonies, they are amazing!

I took pictures of all the pretty architecture I see as I walk the block to downtown and made
it to the stage and the concert with the Findells.

The lead female singer in the band is Sera Petras, she has an amazing voice and is
also the photographer that took my pictures I use on my websites, etc. I love all the
young girls that came down to dance in the street. I also snuck in a picture of my friends
apartment in the beautiful Marquis building, I will be up there to post more pictures of
a more birds eye view of downtown.

Really fun night, glad I went downtown for great music and hanging out with friends. Love
this great little town.

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