Tuesday, May 24, 2016

Toby Fairley for Duralee Fabrics

I just received my fabric samples for my client,
they are Toby Fairley's new fabric design for Duralee
Fabrics. This is just the blue version of some of the
patterns she designed.....

Left to right Isabella, Pearl and a favorite, Rivers with a velvet faux bois or water look.

Hudson Stripe in Wedgewood.
Kathryn in Cobalt is a new favorite with a big pattern.
This one called Langdon has cute animals with a strange hairy man pulling the Camel.
Go to Duralees website for more colors and patterns,  www.duralee.com.

Saturday, May 21, 2016

Rain, Rain, and More Rain

This has been one rainy spring. I have very little time outside in the
yard because of the rain. It is also very cold, not a great May!

It is too wet to even enjoy the backyard, and when the sun does come out, I am working.

I guess this means we will have a green summer with lots of blooms.

It supposed to be warm and sunny this week, let's keep our fingers crossed.

Sunday, May 8, 2016

The Backyard in Bloom and a Lost Dog

We have had a ton of rain which has lead to a yard that
is in full bloom......
The Lamb's Ear that I brought from the other house, I love the soft silver green color
that adds a little texture to a garden.
The Columbine I put in early spring, love the purple.
Spider Wort that came with the yard.

Bearded Iris in two shades, the yard is full of them, a lot for a little yard.
The Bachelors Button that I brought with me by seeds and planted in the Fall.
More of the Ferns, they are going crazy!!!
Good news and bad news about this familiar face. Twice in two weeks my sweet little
Bichon Fise, Elfie, has wondered of and was lost for several hours. The second time it
happened, I thought he was a goner.
This guy is almost 13 years old, I have had him since he was a puppy. He sticks to
me like glue, but as soon as he sees a chance to explore, he is gone. The first time he
was on the porch with me as I was watering my plants. I turned around and he was gone.
The whole neighborhood was looking for him. My neighbor suggested searching down
the hill to a busy area behind my house. As I started down the hill calling him, I heard his
bark and sure enough, there he was, tied to a tree waiting for me at the home of Brian.
I was happy and relieved. Did I tell you that Animal Control was also helping search for
him. Gone time 1 2/1 hours. I started preparing my life with out him.
 Yesterday, I at some I thought this picture above would never had been possible. Because of
all of the rain, the back gate is warped and isn't closing properly. Some time Friday night it
blew open. I let Elfie out when we first got up, he came right back to the door, ate his food
and I let him out again. After a couple of minutes I looked out the window to check on him
and realized the gate was open. I rushed up stairs and got dressed, grabbed his lease and rain
around the neighbor hood searching for him. After an hour I came back, called Animal Control
again and reported Elfie lost. I got in the car and drove every where, even the farmers market
downtown where there are food smells, people and dogs. No Elfie. I came home and got dressed
for work and then gave it one more go around of driving around before I had to go to work. All
that I could think of is that he has been hit or taken, I had him for 13 years and now he is gone.
Why would he leave me, why would he wonder off, am I a bad Mom, do I not show him enough love? And so I went to work and thought Happy Bloody Mother's Day. He ran off at 9 am it is
now 1:30 pm, my phone rings and it is Laurie at Queen City Downtown, "Margaret, what is your
dogs name?" I say Elfie. "There is a lady here with him, is he missing?" And there  it is, he is
found. He was found by the Clock Tower Convenience, he probably walked in the door, they
shut him in the bathroom and asked customers if they new who he belonged to. Luckily one
of the customers rights for the newspaper and wrote about Elfie and I when I had my store
and he was my shop dog. A happy ending to a scary story, Happy Blessed Mother's Day. My
two children sent me Mother's Day texts and Elfie sent me a Mother's Day card via my Mom.

Monday, May 2, 2016

My Baby Turned 20

Sunday, May 1st, my youngest turned 20. So I had Edmund, his
Dad and three friends over for a day of celebrating. A Fossil sport watch and Tony Lama Boots!

This  has been a big year, Edmund has made it threw his Rat Line at VMI, a hard year
of college studies and developing new friendships. We had a big spread of food and beverages.
Lots of gifts and some fun in the sun. Oh and we all took naps, including me after too much

Love this guy, so sweet, cannot believe he is 20!

Not sure what they are doing here, something with beer?

Now for the cleanup.......