Sunday, May 26, 2019

Old Fashioned Flower Garden

My very small flower beds and potted plants have taken over my yard and my porch.

Foxglove and Lambs Ear

Columbine, Basil and Daylilies

Vinca, Snapdragons and Impatients

More Impatients, Dianthus, Begonias and Vinca

and beautiful beds.....

Monday, May 13, 2019

Decorating with Flowers

My gardens are really starting to shine. Things are springing up and starting to bloom.
A little vase of the first blooms in my garden beds. The Bachelors Buttons I must have
planted last year. Two huge plants have come back and are full of blooms. The Knock Out
Rose i planted last spring after I last a previous rose. The triple purple Columbine and the
Lily of the Valley were planted by a previous owner.
  The Bearded Iris are every were on the side of the porch and were also planted by a previous
owner, she must have been a true gardener planing old fashioned flowers.
 Three dozen red rose varieties for Mother's day fill a large vase. I love filling my house
with fresh flowers. It adds a little happiness to each room they are in and it also makes me
giddy each time I enter the room. Happy Monday!