Tuesday, April 28, 2020

New Normal, Will Our Life Ever Return to Normal

I have been doing a lot of baking, still working on putting a cookbook
together. Some of the recipes are good, some not so much. Because it is
just little ol me, if it makes a lot, after eating it two to three times, it either
is put in the freezer or it is pitched. This recipe is a good one and a freezer
safe one.
The Tuna Empanaditas. They are delicious and beautiful little morsels.
I am also having fun  spending time outside waiting for it to finally warm up
and see what is blooming in my yard.

More pictures to come as the temps start to rise, I have been doing a lot of gardening.

Saturday, April 25, 2020

What is Happening in My Life in Quarantine

While I am stuck at home and not spending any money, I had an
upholstery project I started before all this craziest stuff started. I got
a text that my chair was ready for pickup. So last Friday i went and picked
my chair up. Here is the before and after.

I found this chair back in the fall and I love this Robert Allen fabric so this chair is
the perfect project for this. The trim is also from Robert Allen and it is beautiful. So are you
ready for the big reveal?

Isn't she a beauty, the perfect pairing for this chair. Another project I had started before the
lock down was a Safavieh rug i bought on line from Target when they had a really good
rug sale. Here is a picture of my old rug that i bought a couple of years ago, it was too small.

When the rug arrived, it was so heavy and so big that it had to stay in my back hall
until I could phone a friend to help me get it upstairs. Once it was upstairs, I had to
completely take my bedroom apart to get it down. There was so much dust under my
bed. This was quite the project, but the results were worth it. So pretty!

Friday, April 10, 2020

Staying Home - Staying Safe

I have never spent this much time at home since my children
were babies. If I do go out, I were a mask and gloves. To stay
calm at night, I light candles.

I attempted to give myself a pedicure, this was not easy. This new normal has effected
my nerves and I have the shakes.
Ebay has given its sellers over 400 free listings, so I have been listing discontinued
wallpaper samples and fabric samples like crazy to pass the time and make a little money.

My goal was to clean up my guest room, so much for that. It looks like a fabric bomb
went off in there. Happy Easter, and stay safe.

Friday, April 3, 2020

Trying To Stay Calm

By having flowers in my house, brings me a sense off calm while being
stuck inside.

Stay safe and stay at home.