Friday, February 14, 2014

Snow Days, Are We Done Yet?

How many days till Spring?
I dug my way out of the house yesterday to come
down and dig out the sidewalk in front of my store
and The SPACE. I walked down with a neighbor, ran
into another friend walking his dog and called a friend,
client and board member to come and help shovel. We
discussed using some furniture from my store in the SPACE,
looked at fabric samples for her living room, not a bad snow

I need to invest in a good pair of snow boots. My car is stuck behind my house
and it will be Sunday before it makes it out of the driveway. I have items to deliver
to the UPS store. Any way, yesterday afternoon, a friend came by the store, and we
drove around town looking at the damage. We put his car in the garage downtown and
started walking to fine something open, we ended up at Baja Bean and spent the afternoon
eating salsa, guacamole and chips, drinking margaritas and shots of tequila. After that we
ended at Zynoda for wine and dirty Martini's.

Today is another story, the storm that almost completely shut down the
city of Staunton, has passed. Now we are in a melting mess. What a
difference a day makes. Back to work and reality. Happy Valentines
Day everyone!

A plus to all those people who posted great snow pictures on Facebook!

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