for this glorious event. I stand corrected and Thursday they featured
two pictures of my house in the article about the event in the Go section
of the local paper. Yahoo for me! So yesterday I snapped pictures for you
of the house from start to finish as you would see it if you were on the tour.
These are pictures of the decorations I used and I apologize, it was dark and
dreary, just like it will be for tonight's candlelight tour..........
Some of these pictures may be repeat pictures, sorry, but I have had to go back and
tweak a few things. Magnolia blew into the yard, sleet, wind and rain knocked some
crooked. It will be a miracle if it makes it to Sunday, after that, I just don't care! :)
Now in side starting with the Front Hall.....
Living Room with fresh tulips from Martin's.....
The silk yellow drapes are new, I moved the green silk stripe ones up stairs to
the first guest room because they were too short. The yellow silk is a close out
from Robert Allen Fabrics at $12.00 a yard. Now onto the Dining Room....
The Dining Room has a over the top candy thing going on. I apologize in advance for
all the bad paint colors, bad wallpaper, bad trim colors and the way too much green
that they used. Remember I am a renter and the house is on the market while I am in it.
(on the market for 12 years)! On to the Den, Remember, these decorations are subtle, with
the exception of the Dining Room. At some point this all has to be taken down......
The newly wallpapered downstairs Bath with a partridge in a pear tree ornament hanging
from the mirror......
Very simple decorations in the kitchen, I doubt anyone will walk all the way in here.
Little Bath in the back upstairs...
The back Guest Room over the Kitchen....
Are you GREEN with envy over all these lovely green walls?
And the Study in the back half....
The front upstairs Hall, this part of the house will get more traffic I would think,
as opposed to the back half and some people will not be able to come up at all
if they can't make the stairs....
The front Guest room with the very large Victorian bed...
And last but not least, my bedroom and the claw tub room.....
two 3 yard pieces and went with the ivory and flowers. Before, I had a vintage ivory
damask drape I bought on Etsy hanging there, it was too heavy and yellowed. This
is much prettier.
This room was featured in the paper. Hope you like the pictures and anyone that wants
to help take it all down, just give me a ring! :)
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