Thursday, August 20, 2020

What is Happening in August

 This is what I saw when I went out to take a few pictures of my flowers, he is next to the bird feeder.

Now that it is the end of August, my flowers are started to go to seed, but not my Zinnias. This is
when they really start to shine and show their blooms.

I have one last window to do for my client in Richmond. This is a large bathroom window
and we are doing a flat gathered Roman shade in Bunschwig and Fils Les Touche in pink.
We decided to add a ball fringe to the bottom of the shade and I had one on hand that might
work, but I ordered a couple more that will have pink in them. They should arrive soon but
the mail is really slow these days.
I don't know about you but August is flying by.

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